VI Edition

VI Edition

Rudy Buratti, chief enologist of Banfi, graduated from the Scuola Enologica of San Michele all'Adige in 1981.

Protagonist of Banfi's extraordinary entrepreneurial history, he prematurely passed away in January 2018.

Fondazione Banfi and Centro Agricoltura Alimenti Ambiente of San Michele all'Adige seek to remember his human and professional stature, as an example for the young generation in the industry.

The award will be assigned to an experimental thesis/paper for a 3-year degree in Viticulture and Enology, discussing topics in the field of viticulture and enology.

The winner will receive a cash prize in the amount of 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) Euro.

The winner will also be invited to attend the 2024 Summer School Sanguis Jovis free of charge.

The application must be submitted no later than 15 May 2024.