Alberto Lazzarino prize - award ceremony of the 2nd edition

Alberto Lazzarino prize - award ceremony of the 2nd edition


Monday, 10th july 2023

Banfi Piemonte Enoteca, Strevi

With unanimous judgment the Commission, has considered the thesis of the Dr. Bianca Vierucci, entitled "Agronomic evaluation of PIWI vines in the Lombard mountain environment", the most deserving for the originality of the subject and for the practical effects on Italian enology. 

Alberto Lazzarino, Chief Enologist of Banfi Piemonte and protagonist of the entrepreneurial adventure of the company since joining Banfi on May 2, 2002, prematurely passed away in 2019.

Fondazione Banfi and the Department of Agriculture, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA) of the University of Turin, in collaboration with Assoenologi Piemonte, seek to remember his human and professional stature, as an example for the young generations.